Sunday, September 15, 2013

Falling back into the school routine

Now that I've completed now first week and a half of school, I've adjusted and gone back into the school routine.  After the first day of school, reality came back into the picture and I realized that not everyday is going to go as perfectly as the first and that I will be frustrated and struggle at times, but let's be honest, that is inevitable as I am at a new school and I'm in the process of the learning another language.  Fortunately, I haven't had any days where this has occurred, but there have been a few, very brief times where I just need needed a break, but luckily something always perks me back up.
 I've been very lucky to have met some amazing people over the past weeks that have taken me under their wings, making an outstanding effort to help me settle in and have the best possible experience here.  I have hung out after school with some, played sports with others and I even was invited to a party!  It means so much to me that they are willing to help me as I realize that it requires a lot of patience and cooperation.  But many students in my grade have previously studied abroad so they empathize and know what it feels like to be in this situation.

With the language...
MOST of the time I speak German with my friends and when I stumble upon a phrase or word, I tell them in English and they'll tell me the phrase in German.  But a few prefer to practice their English with me and so we'll talk in English (or I'll try responding in German.)
At times when I am in a group setting, I become frustrated because I cannot show as much personality or speak as often, but I have hope that this problem will gradually fade away.  But, my vocabulary is expanding a little more everyday and there has been a significant improvement in my speaking (though the accent could use a little help) and understanding!

School is going well.  I understand a little more of the lectures everyday and the teachers have been very helpful and patient. I am also very lucky to have acquaintances in all of my classes that summarize and simplify key points.  However, the "hack" to understanding my subjects is taking thorough notes in German and writing down phrases or words that I don't understand in the side columns of my notes (then looking them up) so that when I go home and do my homework I can:
a) remember what we did in class (and the vocabulary attached to it)
b) further my understanding of what we did in class
 For example, when I don't understand what what we did in a subject, I can translate my notes into English or Google the material we covered in class
c) build my vocabulary.  Some words I write down, like "Bewusste" (which means "conscious") only relate to that specific subject whereas other words like, "beobachten" (to observe) or "bedeuten" (to imply/ mean) are more commonly used in conversations with friends as well as school.

On a side note, I hope that all of my Rocky friends have an amazing Homecoming!  I can't wait to see all the pictures and hear all about it! :)

 Sorry I don't have any pics! :(

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